Top 5 most Anticipated key  Battleground states in US Presidential Elections 2024 that can change the results

Florida-This state is usually a major theatre of operations. Its size, 29 electoral votes, makes it very significant. A shift in the population could increase competition. 

Wisconsin- Wisconsin had narrowly gone for Donald Trump in the 2016 election, marking the first time since 1984 that the state did not vote Democrat in a presidential election.  

PENNSYLVANIA :It is crucial because of its centrist electorate on both sides.  Trump had unexpectedly captured the state in 2016. . 

ARIZONA: Arizona narrowly flipped to Democrats in 2020, with Biden winning by just over 10,000 votes out of 3.4 million cast. This signals Arizona will be a toss-up state in 2024. 

GEORGIA:Georgia’s 16 electoral votes make it difficult for Republicans to win the national election without Georgia solidly in their column 

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