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The following are some important details about the 1952 US presidential election:

Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower and Democrat Adlai Stevenson were the front-runners. President Harry S. Truman opted not to run for reelection.

Fighting communism and putting an end to the Korean War were Eisenhower’s campaign slogans. His catchphrase of choice was “I Like Ike.”

Stevenson served as Illinois’s liberal governor. He promoted civil rights and backed the expansion of New Deal initiatives.

With 39 of the 48 states and 442 electoral votes to Stevenson’s 89, Eisenhower won with a landslide.

In the end, Eisenhower received almost 33 million votes, and Stevenson received 44% of the popular vote.
With 63.3% of eligible voters casting ballots, the 1952 election saw the largest voter participation in American history.
During a presidential race, both candidates utilised television advertising extensively for the first time.
West and Midwest were dominated by Eisenhower. The majority of Southern states that continued to favour the Democrats were won by Stevenson.
Two decades of Democratic rule in the White House under FDR and Truman came to an end in the 1952 election. In politics, it signalled the beginning of the Republican era.


Written by William Tailor

William Tailor is a talented blogger well versed in political content, and he’s known for his analysis and appealing comments on the historical and current political scenarios. With a detailed approach and liking for uncovering intricate political landscapes while addressing the contemporary issues. He aims to offer a thought-provoking perspective to the readers and unravel the truth. His consistent and convincing storytelling mixed with factual data makes him a popular choice for readers who want to stay in loop with the dynamic political situations.

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