US Politics impacts the nation and the world. Just slide and read the major headlines this year in US
UFOs and Debate: In May 2023, former Pentagon employee Luis Elizondo made startling revelations on his work looking into unidentified aerial phenomena, or UFOs.
DeSantis Enters the Presidential Race:In 2023, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis officially announced his candidacy for President in the Republican primary
Debt Ceiling Emergency Solved:Congress raised the debt ceiling a few days before the deadline in October 2023, so averting a possible US debt default.
Midterm Elections: The Senate was evenly divided in November 2023, but the Republican Party took control of the House of Representatives at the midterm elections.
Source:Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Supreme Court ruling: reversed the historic Roe v. Wade ruling in June 2023, upending the nearly half-century-old legal guarantee of the right to an abortion
Social Media Censorship Concerns Emerge:Concerns about possible censoring of particular opinions on social media platforms fueled heated discussions about free speech and government involvement.
Immigration Reform Attempts Fail: The complicated problem of illegal immigration has proven difficult to tackle.putting millions of people without legal status in a precarious situation.
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