When is the US Presidential election? Here are the 5 facts you need to know about US Presidential elections 2024?

Date:November 5, 2024 is the planned day for the US Presidential Election. According to US federal election custom, this date happens on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November.

Electoral System:The Electoral College system, which assigns a fixed number of electoral votes to each state based on population size, is combined with popular votes cast in each state

Candidates::Several political parties will put out their presidential nominees. Major parties like the Democratic and Republican parties have main candidates in the election

Campaigning and Issues::At that time, the nation's most pressing issues—which might include the national security, healthcare, and economy will probably be at the center of the election.

Result and Inauguration: The candidate who wins the most electoral votes (at least 270 out of 538) will be sworn in as the next President of the United States after the election on January 20, 2025.